AYUCR II Flight #2
RATS 9 4/29/2000

This was the first flight for the improved deployment system. Sort of AYUCR IIa. It worked perfectly. Although I have had sucessful flights with the other deployment schemes I have used I have much more faith in this system. The pictures came out nice due to the sunny weather.

Motor H123-S
Altitude 943'
Film Type Kodak Gold Max 24 Exposure
Launch Detect 200 ms
Launch Delay 0 sec
Groups 1
Picture Interval 1.9 seconds
Total Pictures Taken 25

I am including a graph of the flight data from the AltAcc in order to allw you to compare the pictures with the altitude graph. You should be able to determine the altitude of the camera for each shot take within 100 feet or so. The estimated time of each picture is included in the caption. This assumes that the first picture was taken at about 0.7 seconds. The additional delay over the 200 ms launch detect is due to the camera going to sleep and needs to be woken up to take the first picture. It does this automatically.


0 - 0.7 sec 1- 2.6 sec 2 - 4.5 sec 3 - 6.4 sec 4
5 - 10.2 sec 6 - 12.1 sec 7 - 14 sec 8 - 15.9 sec 9 -17.8 sec
10 11 - 21.6 sec 12 - 23.5 sec 11 14 - 27.3 sec
15 - 29.2 sec 16 - 31.1 sec 17 18 19 - 36.8 sec
20 21 - 40.6 22 23 24 - 46.3 sec

Missing photos were too boring to include here
6 and 7 - The booster under chute is clearly visible
14, 15 and 16 - The RATS parking area can be seen
24 - Evil swamp
